Website for your company: Theme or individual web design?


It is widely known that a website for one's own company is a must nowadays. But what does it take to present your company appropriately on the web? Is a template sufficient or should you have the website created from scratch?

It is the digital shop window of your company: your company website. Whether you offer services or products, your customers are looking for them on the internet. Therefore, the website must be an important part of your marketing strategy.

There are many CMS solutions on the market with ready-made themes that allow you to create a functional website quickly and easily. Although this can make the creation easier and reduce the effort, the question is whether a simple and functional website that looks good enough will represent your business fairly.

Advantages of a customised website

  • Uniqueness of appearance: When you have a custom website created, your brand flows into the appearance and makes you unique and recognisable. No other website in the world will look like yours.
  • Customisability: You can influence both design and functionality on your website and adapt it to your business needs. This is also partly possible with prefabricated themes, but with less flexibility and control.
  • Support: A custom website offers more support than a website created from templates. You can always contact the developing web agency in case of problems and need for expansion.
  • Scalability: The custom website can grow continuously with the business.
  • SEO: Mit einer von Grund auf erstellen Website haben Sie mehr Kontrolle über das Layout und den Quellcode, und somit über die Optimierung Ihrer Website für Suchmaschinen.
  • Integrationsfähigkeit: Eine individuell erstellte Website kann einfacher mit Ihren bestehenden Systemen (ERP, CRM, PIM usw.) verknüpft werden.

The right solution for your company?

  • Is the positioning and recognisability of your brand an important factor for you?
  • Do you want to have full control over all aspects of your website, from appearance to functionalities?
  • Are your operations and processes complex and specific?

If one or more points apply to you, then a prefabricated solution will not meet your needs. But if you have a limited budget or urgently need a simple website, a theme-based website could be the way to go.

If you would like to learn more about the topic, get in touch with us. Our experienced team will be happy to support you on your digitalisation journey.