PHP & TYPO3: Upgrade between necessity and opportunity for website owners
Security & Performance

PHP & TYPO3: Upgrade between necessity and opportunity for website owners


You have to upgrade the TYPO3 version again, but you don't know exactly why and what you get out of it? What is TYPO3 version 12 all about, why is the upgrade necessary and what does it have to do with PHP version 8?

What is PHP?

PHP (or Hypertext Preprocessor) is a flexible scripting language that runs many web platforms. It is managed by a global team of developers who update the language in regular releases.

Each version of PHP is actively supported for two years after its original release date and receives regular enhancements and security patches. Once a version reaches the end of its life, PHP discontinues security support for it. From that moment on, it is no longer secure enough - security updates are no longer applied and the system gradually becomes non-compliant with current standards. 

Running on the latest stable version of PHP is thus critical to the security and performance of any website.

Active security support for PHP 7.4 has ended on November 28, 2022. Therefore, we are upgrading to the latest version PHP 8.

Connection between TYPO3 and PHP

TYPO3, just like WordPress, Drupal and many other CMS platforms, is built on the PHP scripting language. TYPO3, like PHP, is also operated on the basis of release plans and is regularly upgraded, with new features being developed and bugs being fixed.

Each TYPO3 version is only compatible with certain PHP versions. The no longer supported PHP version 7.4 is related to TYPO3 versions 8, 9, 10 and 11, while the successor version PHP 8 is only related to TYPO3 versions 11 and higher. Therefore a TYPO3 upgrade is strongly recommended for TYPO3 versions lower than 11.
You can find the complete compatibility overview on:

Why should TYPO3 be upgraded regularly?

The longer you postpone the upgrade, the more complex the whole process becomes. This is because the upgrade with a major version jump takes place in several partial steps to the next version in each case.

Regular TYPO3 upgrades also bring important benefits that can encourage you to upgrade sooner rather than later.

Advantages of the upgrade

Code improvements in the Core

New and current functions

More security

Better user experience in the backend

TYPO3 Version 12

TYPO3 version 12 is currently in the development phase. The full version (TYPO3 12.4) is scheduled for April 25, 2023. It will be supported with bug fixes until the end of October 2024 and provided with security updates until the end of April 2026.

The main goal of the new version is announced to be increased productivity: TYPO3 12 should become the fastest TYPO3 version. Furthermore, we can expect improved backend usability, a better structured layout and many new extensions and features.

Upgrade now

If your website has a TYPO version lower than 11, now is the high time to upgrade.
While PHP upgrades usually happen automatically at your host provider and can be done almost unnoticed, for TYPO3 upgrade you need developer resources.
For support you are welcome to contact us. Write to us or call us (+41 43 255 68 68). Our team of experts will be happy to assist you.

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